Friday 9 June 2017

A journey ends. Another begins..

I feel sad and scared.
I also feel hopeful and excited.
Today was the last exam of B.Tech. A strange feeling fills my mind. I never knew I loved my class so much. I never knew I would miss my classmates so much when I was with them everyday for the past four years.
College life is over and here the starts the real journey. Right into the hard truths of life. I have decisions to make and risks to take. The security of a well paying job or the risks for flying towards your entrepreneurial dreams?
I need to choose.
The security pulls me. The depths of risks pushes me away. But I cannot ignore the call from my dreams.
College life ends. The security and all-happy life ends and the time has come to start action.
I feel scared. But I badly want my dreams which I cant stop chasing.
God has brought the right people (or wrong? Time will show) as of now into my life. I wanted a helping hand, a more secure platform and god lent me the helping hand.
I hope I succeed.
No, I will succeed.
Because another option doesn't exist.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Travelling as a Lonely Soul

Travelling is one of the best feelings in the world.
It makes you stronger, gives realizations about life.. about what you are and what you can be. You learn so much. Even how to survive with whatever food you get or no food all day. Just the pleasure of travelling keeps you going.
The awesome view of the river and walk through the paddy field to reach the nearest bus stop was real amazement. Thanks to the private bus which refused to start leaving the passengers stranded on the road.
Thanks to the mobile shop guy who happily let me charge my phone for around half an hour. Thanks to the aunty who accompanied me till the bus stand feeling pity for my sense of direction :P Getting down at the wrong place is even more funny. But then you realize that the world isnt that bad as well.
The world isnt that bad. But the stabbing looks that strip you naked from some so called gentlemen never leaves you, wherever you go in this world. The sense of protection you feel when you have other women around in such places is one of the best feelings in the world.
Night travel is my most favorite part.
When you are travelling looking out at the moon, stars and people getting back to the safety of homes and thinking of life.. smile thinking of random things and cry your heart out..
It makes you different and gives new hope and inspiration to your life. When it is a break that you really need in life and when you cant decide what to do in life.
Travel alone.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Midnight Oil Isn't That Bad To Burn

Another exam season is here.
In fact the first one after I joined college.
To specifically mention, the worst-ever-prepared exam in my entire life.
But its the first time that my last minute studies have come up to be so effective.
I wonder why.

The horrible portions which never entered my brain cells even during class tests, they were sinking into my memory so fast! Like magic. I had no idea where this superpower came from, only during the exam time, after which it just vanishes into thin air.

I was just googling for random stuff when I accidentally came across the answer to this magic.
That was when the science behind this superpower was unveiled.

Anything done under stress registers faster into the brain.
The simple reason for why bad and terrible memories remain with us longer than the good and even wonderful ones, because of the hormonal changes created by the pressure we undergo.
Similar is the case of exams and all the stress that we undergo.
Cortisol and adrenaline are essential components of humans' 'fight or flight' mechanism - the neuro-biological response to stressful situations that has evolved through millions of years.

Stress hormones bind to specific receptors in the human brain and enhance our control of learning and memory. This enhanced learning caused by increased levels of stress consolidates the formation of memories in the hippocampus - the part of our brains directly involved with memory and learning.

So stress isn't that bad either.
It does give us a way in front when putting us into a bad situation.
Then what's the harm in taking a bit of stress when it can give us the superpower of fast learning!
This bit of info did turn pretty useful for me, especially its exam time and badly looking forward for a little confidence.

So burning midnight oil isnt that bad at all!

(PS: No idea why I'm suddenly remembering my 12th standard English teacher who used to repeat the same phrase always - "its 'accidentally, not accidentially".  )

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Back to Square One

The past few weeks were a little busy as the season of college fests finally arrived.
Went for Cult A Way at SCT and Crossroads at MBCET - had a great time - enjoyed and got a few prizes too. And above all - Aagneya - the techno-cultural fest of our college Govt Engineering College Barton Hill.

Being first years, it was our first experience - with the college fests. Working for fests and participating in many, gave a pretty good amount of memories to cherish throughout my life. Getting to know a lot of new people, meeting old friends after a long time ( that was the best part of it), new places, learning a lot more new things and above all a lot of experience - the past month had been great!

From about a month, I literally forgot about this blog, till yesterday when I was under a deep investigation at the margin free market in the dilemma of selecting one from a wide variety of shampoos available there. :P
After going through all the description, and (almost false) promises and stuff written on the bottle, finally ended up with loreal paris, which finally 'sounded' comparatively better.

The past month which had been busy with all the work for our college fest - Aagneya, which unleashed its fire within, the last week, its time to be back to square one - the old schedule again.

Day full of classes (no more bunking) and finally back home with nothing much to do other than textbooks. Time again to be back to the little experiments too. Exams coming up and the fact that there is a lot lot lot more left - it hurts, but still the hope and optimism shines again. Exam preparations starting and back to the old life again. Hoping for a good time ahead.

Friday 31 January 2014

AAGNEYA '14 : Gems Stop Motion Promo

A great amount of effort put in by a few creative seniors - for the promotion of our college fest Aagneya 2014.. Unleash the fire within!

#Govt Engineering College, BartonHill, Trivandrum

Saturday 28 December 2013

Success stories

'Career' became a matter of discussion somehow, in a random talk with a friend today.
He wanted to be a design engineer.
That was his passion since childhood, and thats how he ended up studying engineering.
But now, at the first turning point of choosing a career option after studies, he is still doubtful of what his real passion is.
One has to be so good with the theory and drawing to be able to design something new. And that meant a lot of effort that needed to be put in. My friend was saying how he is at the turning point of parting with his dream, because his present position is not good enough to reach his destination.

This random talk just made me think about my career too.
Thankfully, and unlike my friend, I ended up pretty happy and confident.
As an entrepreneurship aspirant, all great success stories that I got to listen from everywhere had something in common.

Searching something motivational, all I found everywhere mostly were all these. 
Dropping out and sheer talent combined with passion and hard work leading to the glories of success. 

Kidding apart.
What these stories actually show is that, if you have the passion, talent and hardwork nothing, not even a namesake degree can stop you. 
No matter what, the mental power to cut through all obstacles and rise up with passion and consistency - that has magically turned all these failures into success glories.
And thats something very great to be motivated from.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Tantrums from Abroad

The bus journey from my house to college everyday is a pretty long one.
Thats when I mostly come across a lot of people, from almost every walks of life.
From the stubborn, dark lady who sells fish to beauty queen aunty who is always with a hell lot of makeup.

Listened today to a very young pretty lady, talking to her friend. About how her husband is working abroad from around 7 years, and comes once every other year home. She kept going on with her tantrums of taking the entire burden of the family on her weak shoulders. 

Why do we actually live for?
Ultimately, we all want to be happy in life. To have all goals accomplished and wishes fulfilled.
But, thinking about the millions of poor Indians working on the foreign lands for years, with absolutely no enjoyment or relief rather than the steaming hotness of workload and stress, its just an emptiness that fills my mind. Is money the only thing that matters in this world? The millions of people who work abroad for long years, not even getting see their loved once in years, what the hell do they earn in life? The bundle of papers?? And that too on the cost of years of happiness. Is it actually worth? These questions that arose in mind, kept haunting me.

It maybe like they don't get to earn much from their native lands, and thats the reason they migrate. But still, where there is a will, there is a way. The ways are always open, you just have to search for it. Anyone can do some decent work and earn a living in India itself, there are endless chances. Its not a too big deal. Going abroad after a certain age has kind-of become the usual trend for a major section of the Indian society. The glitter of the heavy bundles of money is the main reason of going with the brain over heart. And this results in total misery, for the person and for the entire family. The separation for long years with wife and children is not an easy task at all. On the cost of years of happiness, they earn money. Sometimes the savings also dont turn up to be very high, in the end. By the time the person comes back and decides to settle in the native land, he must have become pretty old and good-for-nothing, very weak in health too.

The age to actually live life, the age to enjoy and be happy doing all what you like to do - everything passes away and hardly anything remains in their lives later on. I'm talking about a majority that cannot afford neither to take their family with them abroad nor come back and settle with their family at the native places. I cant find anything to be so much happy about, in such lives. The worst condition of separation and the amount of torment that the person and everyone related to him has to undergo - it just pushes me into a deep trench of haunt.

Personally my opinion is to live life the way your heart says and be happy always. I feel its always better to be with family and live happily. You might be earning less, you might not be able to have a luxurious life. But still you will be happy and enjoying life together with your loved ones. That will anyways be better than sacrificing the entire life to have a decent oldage life. I feel very disturbed for the millions of parents, wives and children who has to be away from the ones they love, for such a long course just for the sake of earning more money. Its the smile on our faces and peace of mind that actually matters, nothing else..

The lady that I came across in the bus looked very pretty. She was very young, thin and shorter than me. The way she was talking about all the responsibilities that she has to take, and the sufferings she has to undergo, touched a lot. The awful condition of separation and loneliness that leaves alone with a hell lot of burdens, it just kept haunting me.
When she was saying about the good times they had together, I'm nearly sure that I saw a twinge of pain and traces of a tear drop in her eyes..