Friday 6 December 2013


After a pretty long time, the feeling of seeing my own long-forgotten blog accidentally was very peculiar.
Seeing the two lonely posts, put around 2 years back, arose a strange nostalgic feeling somewhere at a corner of my heart.

Schooldays were wonderful. Great, actually..
When we actually go through our school lives we hardly ever realize, that these are the happiest times when we hardly have any worries or problems. All we have to do is to actually enjoy.And all these realizations struck only after we pass through all those good times.

School life has past, and finally the most awaited college life has started.BTech at a government college.. more of a dream come true.

Still remember the early mornings at maths tution, when sir used to give us long motivational lines saying the importance of getting into a government college. And his most famous lines - a little effort now will give you four years of enjoyment and freedom, giving way to one of the best possible college lives. Even though after an acceptable compromise in my choice of branch, finally happy with the campus life where I ended up straight after 12 long years at Nirmala.

N now finally stepped into the college life, few months back..
I didn't get into the computer science department but into electronics and communication, vesting on me the weight of studying more n more, which could have been much easier the other way.Hoping for the better, and with a lot of dreams n expectations and mindset to achieve them all, to live life the way I would love to.. Sometimes,satisfaction can matter hell lot more than fame or fortune. Ultimately, the whole point of all the worries, pain n hard work that we take in life is the burning desire for happiness.

I think, its the first time I'm writing something like this after 12th standard English exam.
And a few bits of a lot of experiences just coming out..

The first days of college, in between all strangers had not been a so good experience to be happy about.It all changed slowly, as we all came to know each other more, and everything started getting more homely and the start of most awaited time,started turning into a very enjoyable one..

How different people are..They way god created each and every individual is one of the most amazing aspects of creation. The very same atoms constitute every human, but each one very alike n very much unlike the other.There is hardly anything more easy than to predict or understand the way another person thinks.The most pathetic of all is the way most people can't see the relation between a boy and girl as friendship, the best possible relation in the world, or as anything else other than love. Its hard seeing best buddies separate, just a bitter damage caused by the trashy way of thinking of the majority.Seeing the 'bestest' buddies getting along and heights of technical thinking and imagination spurting up, an overview of the best time of my life coming up reveals its attire. Sometimes the so called exam-point-of-view of learning, series exams and the study tensions can be a bit too irritating. There is always bunch of students always sitting with their noses deep inside the thick textbooks and that is all what they really care about  - I wonder if anyone can help feeling at least a bit nervous inside with the scene.
Life turns enjoyable only when everything is in the perfect proportion, neither too much nor too less.Standing out without going with the crowd is not much of an easy task either. But to reach the destination and seek the aspirations which kept on leading me till here, I will have to take that extra bit of stress.

Turning 18 is not an easy task.
Especially for a girl. 
She has to face the usual reminders like 'you are grown up!' and long lines of advice on 'how to be responsible', 'the need of discipline' and much more from every single place. The worst part is when the high held self-respect gets hurt, when all the dreams and aspirations gets compared and termed lower than marriage and the usual social stigma. But a strong heart and tough determination can keep up the spirit to show that I can also do it and I will, what if I'm a girl!

But still.. turning 18 is not that easy, and you get more burden on the shoulders. 
Mostly the hardest stuff like cleaning the room and not keeping it messy!Its been a long time since I wrote something creative or played violin. The last two years of school and tution work kept me too busy even to think of innovation. But now its time I take out the old habits and polish. So just started off with the long-forgotten-blog again. 

Even in between a lot of things to do at college, only a couple of things gives something like the immense pleasure that is obtained from a trivial bit of time spent for doing something creative. A website of my own, its high time I materialized the bygone dream. A lot still left do, and just waiting for the freight of exams to get over, to actually start doing something that gives satisfaction and felicity.

Thinking more, I get a hell lot more to type. 
But this already got too long I guess.

So running into a swifter conclusion, the new transformation from a school girl to college student has brought about a new horizon in life. The period of transition and a long journey to go, has finally begun...

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